Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thoughts come first

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The answer is in the title of this post.  The thing that really came first was the thought.  Well, maybe it doesn't really answer that question, but it does make a good start to this post.

Every action we make starts as a thought, even if the thought is unconscious. Somewhere in our brain we are thinking about the actions we are taking.  There really isn't ever a time when we aren't thinking about something.

If we want something in our lives, we first recognize it as a thought.  The important next step is to take action.  But what actions to take?  Well, this can be the tricky part as you need to not just look at the steps you have to take to get what you want, but also the other actions you are taking in your life. 

Let's use the example of finding a new job.

The obvious steps to take are look for job postings, brush up your resume, and start applying for new jobs.   Some might look at that list and say it is pretty complete.  What else could you really need to do?

Start preparing for that new job.  Act as if it is a sure thing.  When you do this, your daily actions will act as an affirmation of the new job.

You can start with the simple act of cleaning out and organizing your workspace at your current job for the next person.  You don't need to remove all your personal effects, you want a nice place to work before you leave, but most of us have a pile of "to bring home" at the office that is sitting there collecting dust.  By leaving it at the office we are unconsciously telling the universe that we aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Buy some new clothes to start off your new job.  When you put them on visualize yourself wearing that outfit at your new job. See yourself walking down the hall with confidence at your new job and know that the job is yours.

Talk to family and friends about the new job you know is just waiting for you.  Even if they don't understand or believe that it is there, it doesn't matter.  Their thoughts cannot control your actions.  The important thing is that you believe it is there for you and act accordingly.  The job will manifest faster the more actions you take to move toward it.

This is just one example of thoughts and actions matching.  You can use this to achieve anything, the perfect relationship, a dream vacation, a new home.  Anything you can think about you can have.

Thoughts come first and when our actions affirm our thoughts, our desires will manifest.

Friday, August 08, 2008

What's your Brick Wall?

If you have read, seen, or heard the Last Lecture by Randy Pausch then you know that brick walls were put there for other people.  (If you haven't heard this lecture or read it, you should click the link and see what it is about.)

After reading his lecture I started looking at all the brick walls I have encountered in my life.  I've looked at the ones that stopped me in my tracks and the ones that I was able to bust through.  I've pondered what might have happened if I had made other choices.  Not because I regret my decisions, quite the opposite.  I love who I am and where I have come from.  I just wonder what it was about the various walls that changed my actions.

I'm coming up on my 40th birthday (well not this year, but soon enough) and I feel that I have reached another crossroad.  I am now looking for my next brick wall. 

What is it that I want so bad for the next leg of my life's journey that no brick wall will keep me from it?    

I know that I want freedom to spend time with my husband and children.  I want to have more control over my working environment, I want to contribute in a positive way to our culture and our impact on the planet, and I want to nurture the creative spirit in me.  I know that I will bust through any brick wall to have these things.

I may encounter several brick walls on my quest.   By holding true to my vision I know that I will have the strength to continue.  I know that going through a brick wall can be scary and painful, but the rewards on the other side are worth it.

There is one other thing that I want as I move forward.   I want to help others break through their own brick walls.   So I ask you . . .

When was the last time you looked at your brick walls?