Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Holding On To Outcomes

The other day I overheard someone quoting the saying "If you love something set it free . . ."  In that moment it occurred to the me that this can apply to our dreams and aspirations as well as the more traditional application.

Many times we hold on to our dreams so tightly that we actually inhibit them.  We become entrenched in the desire to have a specific outcome appear in our life instead of allowing the dream to take on a life of its own.  When we do this we become so narrowly focused that we may miss the opportunity to have our dream, because it looks different than what we expected.  However, if you set your dream free by letting go of the specific outcome, you may be pleasantly surprised by what opportunities show up in your life.

As an example, think about how many times in your life have you wished for a specific job.  Before I go too far, I'm not talking about seeing a specific job opening and applying for it.  I'm talking about when you start looking for a job and do so by looking for a specific job title.  When you do this you have instantly limited the potential for your dream.  You are looking for a very specific outcome.

On the other hand, if you set free the idea of title and instead made a list of the qualities you want in a job, such as freedom to be innovative and position of leadership, then you have opened yourself up to more possibilities.  Attaching the qualities to a type of industry, like customer service, allows you to search for jobs without the need to look at title.  Furthermore, by putting this dream out to the universe in this manner, you are more likely to manifest a fully satisfying job.  If all you ask for is a title . . .that may be the only part of the job you like.

You can visualize this dream by focusing on the experience of the qualities instead of the tasks you would need to accomplish.  Imagine yourself being a leader, imagine what it feels like to be innovative and every other quality you desire.  Hold on to the qualities, but not the outcome.  This allows the universe to bring you opportunities to fulfill you dream that you may never have looked at otherwise.

Remember, when visualizing your dreams there is another often quoted saying . . .

Be careful what you wish for as you just might get it.

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