Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Universe knows best

There are a multitude of scientific theories that involve energy, from general relativity to quantum theory and beyond. Something that is common to them all is that energy is what makes up the Universe and the Universe has a way of keeping things in balance.

Now, why am I talking about scientific theory? Because we are part of the energy that the universe tries to keep in balance. This statement can be taken in a number of ways, but what I am specifically talking about is making sure that we are on our true path. The true path being the one that we really want to be on, but for some reason we are not allowing ourselves to follow.

Our energy changes depending on where we are and what we are doing in life. Every action we take or thought we have sends energy out into the Universe. When we are at peace with our life we send calming waves of energy into the Universe, but when we are in a disharmonious state we release discordant energies .

I'm sure you have noticed that being around someone in a bad mood can make it hard to maintain a clam peaceful state of mind, even if they aren't actively doing or saying anything. Most of us pick up on these energies without realizing that's what we are doing. Sometimes we even have a physical reaction to them. Ever get the chills when it wasn't cold? Did you look around and realize that someone near you was feeling upset at the moment?

Now think about what happens when we are not following our true path in life. When we feel forced onto another path we tend to react with resentment, resignation, and maybe even anger. Those types of feelings cause us to exude chaotic energies. We also have to look at what sometimes keeps us from following our true path. Emotions like fear, uncertainty, and shame can keep us from doing what we want and also add to the cacophony of bad energy around us.

The Universe feels these shifts and wants to correct them. The energies of the Universe want to be in harmony and will try to get back to that state by helping us to get back on our true path. We just have to be willing to see the signs that are put in front of us. For instance, three separate people ask you out of the blue if you applied for a job you didn't even know was available. Perhaps it's time to investigate that job. A stranger strikes up a conversation with you at the airport and it turns out that they work for the firm you have been trying to get your foot in the door at.

Some people would say it is just a coincidence. How many coincidences does it take before you start to wonder if there is something else at work?

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