Thursday, June 29, 2006

I can do that!

Expectations can change everything.

When we place expectations on ourselves we limit what we are capable of achieving. We do the same when we allow ourselves to give weight to the real or perceived expectations of others.

Now, to clarify, this type of expectation is not the same as your boss giving you a deadline that he expects you to meet. There are times in our life when expectations are necessary. There has to be a set standard we are expected to complete if we want to earn an advanced degree. There are qualifications we must meet in order to finance a new house.

What I'm talking about is the expectation that you have to be perfect in order to do a specific activity or the expectations that society places on us for relationships. Expectations that have no real basis for existing. Sometimes we don't even realize that we have these expectations until we take the time to turn inside and really listen to the chatter in our brain.

Giving up expectations is difficult, or at least it is for me. I grew up expecting a lot of myself and I rarely had to be punished for any misstep, because I mentally beat myself up enough as it was. As an adult I have spent a great deal of time working on letting go of these perceived expectations. I'm not entirely there yet, but writing this daily blog is a giant step in that direction.

Take a look at your own life. What activities have you held yourself back from doing because you thought you would fall short of other's (or your own) expectations? It can be very liberating to step outside your expectations. Why not try it and see what else you can achieve in this life.

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