Thursday, July 06, 2006


We see life through filters.

When a photographer wants to change the look of a picture, be it film or digital, one of the things he can do is apply a filter. This filter adjusts certain elements of the real image until it matches the presentation that the photographer want to achieve. The color and be changed as well as the way that light appears, making it difficult sometimes to see what the original image was like.

Our view of the world is very similar, although, unlike the photographer, we don't always realize that these filers are present. From the moment we are born we start to acquire filters in the form of our experiences. Experiences are what train us about life; they color our reality.

It has been said that intuition is nothing more than our brain looking at what is ahead of us and comparing it to our past experiences to give us a feeling about what to do. We react based on what we think is going to or could happen. In some cases this can actually save our lives, but in other cases it can close us off from new experiences and make us judgmental.

When someone is said to be pushing our buttons, what is really going on is they are triggering one of our filters. Our reaction has little to do with the current situation and usually more to do with how we are perceiving the situation based on our filters. First impressions are also generally based on past experiences with similar people. We compare their actions, dress, mannerisms, etc. to people we have met before to come up with an idea of who this new person is, and often we can be wrong.

Stop and take a moment the next time you find yourself having an intense reaction to something or when meeting a new person. Consider your reaction, and then search your past for similar situations and see what might be triggering your current reaction. Once you can recognize what filter you are looking through you then have the power to change it or completely disregard it.

Filters are not good or bad, they are what we make of them, which means we have the power to change them at any time.

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