Sunday, July 30, 2006

Today is a good day.

Everyday we make statements about our lives without even thinking about it.

We talk about how bad our day is going to be based on traffic or the fact that our child didn't want to eat breakfast. We tell ourselves how difficult our work day is going to be because of something that happened yesterday. The best one though is when we are actually having a good day, but want to appear part of the crowd so we tell a co-worker how bad our day is.

Have you ever noticed that almost always these statements come true?

You might be saying, "Well, of course. I was just stating fact." However, what you are really doing is making an affirmation. Every time you make a statement of "fact", what you are really doing is affirming a condition in your life. If you affirm it enough, it is going to come true.

There are a couple of ways to look at this:

1. You actually create your own reality based on affirmations.
2. By making these affirmations your mind becomes predisposed to seeing situations in that manner.

Both are really saying the same thing.

Now, think about what you can accomplish if you change your statements. Instead of looking at slow traffic as a bad omen, tell yourself that the slow traffic means you are going to have a nice, slow day at work while still accomplishing what you need to. After all, even slow traffic gets us where we are going.

Affirmations work affectively in all areas of our lives. We can make positive and negative affirmations. We can make them purposefully and accidentally. We can change your lives with the power of affirmation.

Now, here is the caveat, you still have to do the work. You cannot just affirm that you are going to get a new car and one will appear. Affirmations are not magic. However, you can affirm that you have the means to provide yourself with a new car and continue to work toward that goal. By making the affirmation you will feel positive about the progress you are making and may even recognize opportunities quicker.

Affirmations can be simple too. As simple as the statement, "Today is a good day," or, "I am energetic."

In fact, if you want to try an easy experiment, the next time you are feeling tired and need and extra bit of energy to get through the day, close your eyes and say to yourself, "I am awake and energetic." Repeat the statement several times then open your eyes and continue with your work, repeating the affirmation a few more times. My bet, you'll find that you now have the energy to finish the work at hand.

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