Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Stop and Think

Stop and think about how what you say and do affects the people around you.

Now realize that no matter how long you think about it you will never know what lasting effect you had on someone. You might not even realize that person heard/saw you. Then again, it might be the person that you were speaking directly to.

There are a great number of people in this world that expend a great amount of energy being upset about what amounts to trivial items (i.e. not getting the right color shirt, not getting tickets to the hot show/band, someone else getting a better parking spot, etc.), and then spend even more energy telling everyone around them about it. The unfortunate thing is about this is that society deems it ok to grouse about these things, but when it come to the good things that happen in our life we are told not to brag.

Why is it that we are allowed, dare I say encouraged, to vent our negative feelings, but are told to suppress our positive emotions?

Could the state of the world today be a result of all those negative emotions venting out into our atmosphere?

If it is, imagine what would happen if we all began venting our positive emotions. Could that simple change in our behavior make a drastic change in the world.

1 comment:

Ditto said...

I was just checking my blog and clicked the next blog button. Yours is the one that popped up. This post is beautiful. You verbalized some powerful thoughts. Thank you for the challenge. I will take them to heart today and think about every word that comes out of my mouth. Keep writing, you have a great style.